Saturday, August 18, 2012

Uh-Oh I Want A Hot Dog.

These kinds of situations are what bananas are for. 
I buy bananas because they are my go-to fruit. I love them. 
They are the snack I want to eat when I don't know what I want to eat, or worse, when I want to eat a hot dog or apple cobbler or a whole bunch of mashed potatoes.

My Cure: eat a banana. 

When I don't have any more bananas in my house, I eat hot dogs and buy those really unhealthy pocket pies that are just so good
Stock your house with your favorite easy, accessible snacks that are healthy and you will eat them. 
Fact. People are eaters. We've lost a lot of our hunter zeal, now the easier the prey, the happier we are to eat it. Think of it, how many of us turn down free food? Yeah, there is a reason costco samples get downed
Make your healthy food as "hassle free" as possible and toss out the hassle free junk food, cause that gives your body plenty of hassle later. 

Here's my theory on craving unhealthy things. It's probably genuine hunger. Even more likely, I should drink a glass of water and then see if I am still hungry (thirst is often mistaken for hunger especially by yours truly). However while I am probably hungry, my body is probably not saying that I am low on a specific nutrient found in the food I'm craving because, nutrients probably aren't in the unhealthy foods we crave. So! If I drink some water, and eat some fruit (or a favorite veggie) I'm saving myself a lot of exercising later. 

Fact. If I buy the 2 1/2 lbs. bag of carrots at the grocery store and just stick them in my fridge they could sprout babies by the time I get to eating all of them. 


If I buy that same 2 1/2 lbs. bag of carrots, bring them home, peel and shop up five of them into slender sticks and stick them in a baggie. They probably won't even make it to the fridge before I've eaten half of that bag. The rest are guaranteed less than 48 hours shelf life before they meet their demise in my stomach as well. 

Just saying. I'm a lazy huntress. 

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