Friday, August 17, 2012

A July 7th Poem

It's only been a sprinkle of days since July 4th
and we're sitting on our couch watching windows
holding popping shots and sprinklers and cops yelling
"come out carlos".
We're eating smoothies.
You made them out of frozen bananas you skin like yams
and peaches and oranges and juice concentrate
and three otter pops:
Blue, red and purple.
I spoon my smoothie out of a mason jar we bought for our wedding
and I get goosebumps as I seep that liquid crisp deep inside of me.
"Carlos, carlos come out with your hands up!"
There's a diamond in my smoothie
A big clear one that's as big as a dime spun all the way around
and I suck on it everytime it lands in my tiny spoon
plop it back in till it sinks down and fools me into thinking it's a bubble.
You're fighting dragons as we sit on our couch
we wonder if we should tell those girlgirls to scram it on back to the
apartments their parents paid for
put on some longer shorts and for the love 
stop screaming about gun shots into your earsquishing cell phone
every time someone in town lights off a firecracker. 
"Carlos, we know you're in there, come out man."
i swallow my diamond.

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