Saturday, August 18, 2012

Facts That Are Maybe Just Truths

Sometimes I do half my intended work out in the morning and then procrastinate doing the harder half by doing just about anything else around the house while still convincing myself I'm going to do it so I don't shower and I leave my work out clothes on and then it's 3:00 in the afternoon and I realize I need to suck it up and do it already! Or at least shower and get ready for the day geesh. 

Fact: Today, July 9th, 2012, I hated my hair.

Fact: Today I also took Jae's advice and did something different with it. I parted it down the middle. Before you pass out from that big, shocked inhale, I want to let you know that I have stayed away, far away from the middle part because I have thought it looks horrible on everyone for quite some time now. But guess what?! Today I also decided I am a square face that sometimes looks like a diamond and sometimes looks round, but mostly my face is square and guess. what. Parted hair down the middle of a square face's head is actually rather softening for their angular jaw and what not. Moral of the story, I didn't hate it, and the change probably kept my hair free of "desperation scissors" for another day. That and my silly husband doesn't want me to cut it. Lame. 

He thinks he's saving me from hating myself for cutting my hair shorter than it has ever been since I was born and looked like a fat, english, boy, but I just want to cut it and have it look marvelous and be easy to live with and poof! miracles happen right?! 

The fact is though, I'm scared he's right. 

Fact. Feeling unattractive to your husband is worse than feeling unattractive to your boyfriend or your fiance. 
Fact. It is nearly impossible to look unattractive to your fiance. Soon to be married's have the "ecstatic love" glow that you just can't slap out of 'em. Not even with impending wedding planning and inevitable family dramas. Fiance's are beautiful. Fact.

Fact. Today I decided my nose is big. It's not a button nose. It's just big. And round. I have santa's nose. oh my goodness. I was Santa's love child with a hot-chocolate making elf and my parents never told me. No wonder I love christmas but hate candy canes. And am short. And have santa's nose. At least my half-elf genes are why I look so young and will probably have the sparkly eyes and rosy cheeks of a 12 year old even when I'm 215. 

Fact. When someone sneezes I say "bless you" without thinking. This becomes odd or awkward sometimes. especially if I'm in a library or the person really doesn't need me to say "bless you" because they are too far away to hear, or talking to strangers isn't in public bathrooms when you're inside a stall....

I am currently sitting in my house with the windows open and the curtains drawn. (to keep out the heat, but maybe have some breeze flow?) 

Some guy out there sneezed. I glanced sideways and whispered "bless you"...

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