Sunday, May 13, 2012

Take a Hike...Finally!

Most of you 
have heard of hiking "the Y" at BYU.
Well, there is in existence, 
an "R" at BYU-I.

And after living here five years,
Becca, Odie, Tommy, and I
finally hiked it!

It's on the side of a butte. 

Which is basically a mashed potato mountain
with a huge spoonful scooped out of the middle/top.

These things happen when mountains explode.

This is the view from halfway up

Becca, Odie, Carly, & Tommy = 1
Butte = 0


There were lots of amazing caves all over the ridge top.
The bunnies have perfect houses up here. 
Every cave has a billion pockets and openings.

We sat in one cave that was right on the edge.

Becca's new "someone's taking a picture of me" face,
involves major facial excitement
and the sign language symbol for "more!".

You can't tell because I am so tall,
but that is a 50-90ft drop off behind my head.
It slops pretty steeply so we couldn't get an exact estimate.

Tommy was poking around a random cave at the top,
touched a natural rock shelf,
broke it with his amazing accidental strength,
and found a geocache!

We signed our names in its log book
and left a couple things inside.

A clothes pin that says "Jared"
and a joker card from Tommy's deck.

We're famous!

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