Tuesday, May 15, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

[Lauren Lytle Inspired ~]

Day 1: Five Facts About Me Most People Don't Know

1. I am generally a very content person, but I have these obsessive surges of desire to do things I don't know how to do every once in a while that drive me insane. Because well, I don't know how to do them. 

- write a children's book
- be a clothing designer
- be a blogger/writer that random people know about
- paint portraits
- have a master's degree worth of knowledge in my head

I get overwhelmed by these surges and for a while I feel like I'm starving to do this thing I've never done before! I have yet to feel satisfied by the time the surge leaves me. Sometimes it lasts days, sometimes months.

2. I love having things on the walls of my home that are too high for me to reach on my own. It means my amazing husband took extra time to decorate using our belongings. And it makes our temporary apartments feel like home. 

3. I am a terrible swimmer. But if given the chance, I'd become a mermaid in an instant. [of course the transformation would come with dolphin-like swimming skills.]There are few things I love more in nature than the ocean. I want to be a part of it.

4. I am excited to get really old. My skin has been in the "rosy-fire engine spectrum" since the stinking puberty thing happened. I am excited to have pasty white skin and actually have a use for blush. 

5. I starred in a movie during college that was made for some kind of film festival. I think it's smoldering remains have been buried in the heart of Russia. At least I hope so. 

Over the next month, you can expect bits o' this:

1. Five facts about me most people don't know
2. Five favorite things
3. Most embarrassing moment
4. A photo of myself 10 years ago
5. A photo of myself today
6. Favorite YouTube video
7. My dream house
8. What's in my closet
9. What's in my makeup bag
10. Picture of my shoes
11. Favorite recipe
12. Favorite animal
13. Favorite song
14. Something I made recently
15. Favorite scripture
16. Picture of the place I work
17. Three things I'm grateful for
18. Picture of my day
19. Picture of a good friend
20. Favorite city
21. Favorite quote
22. Something I could never get tired of doing
23. Picture of my family
24. Favorite movie
25. Dream vacation
26. Favorite game
27. A piece of art I made
28. Picture of my home
29. Something I'm saving up for
30.  A dream for my future

p.s. the first ice cream cone of the season was made in this house, this night. 

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