Sunday, May 13, 2012


It has come to my attention 
that when manly men get together
they do things that involve competition 
and eat things that induce heart burn.

My lover has joined a gathering of such men.

Clue #1:

Bowling/Stuff Face With Pizza

This was the fist activity of the ACMS
(architecture and construction management society)
a committee that Tommy-love joined over a year ago.

Clue #2:

BBQ Potluck

This was the second activity.
At which Tommy tried some macaroni salad.
He turned to a friend and said, 
"This stuff is terrible, don't eat it."
And his friend said, "...I brought that."

: ) 

(turns out he'd bought it from Broulim's 
and it was in fact terrible to all.
It has become part of the 
"Do you remember that horrible macaroni salad you brought..." 

Clue #3:

Pinewood Derby/BBQ

About 20 men created some of the most amazing,
(and in some cases ridiculous)
cars I've ever seen.

It was the comeback of all comebacks for every former scout in attendance. 

Clue #4:

Chili Cookoff/BBQ

My baby came home a few weeks ago so excited about this one : )
We need to go shopping to get ingredients for my chili Carly!
It was his first chili endeavor ever!

He was so excited, he couldn't wait 
 and made the chili a couple days in advance.

And he put in my new favorite 
Garbanzo Beans!!!


Tommy won 2nd place!!


This is a really gorgeous set
(the picture does not do it justice)
of handmade tools
gold and wood.

There is a square,
an angler,
and a special cutting tool to score woodwork.

They are so pretty we are putting them up on the wall
until Tommy learns how to do more specialized woodwork 

: )

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