I love words. I'm pretty sure I have since I was a fat, silent, happy baby.
Words never cease to amaze me and lately there have been some big ones:
~ Home
-I love this word : ) It has come to mean even more to me than it already did, and I love that the person I call 'home' is home with me : )
~ Fiance
-Who are the pompous people who thought up this lovely one? Oh yes, my beloved Frenchies. I despise using this word in public because I feel like a snobberishous glut who would wave her left hand around just so her ring could dazzle everyones eyeballs. New deal: I'm just going to call Tommy my Fancy.
: ) That's how my father would probably sound out the french anyway.
~ Wife
-It sounds so solid. In portraying this role I would feel completely appropriate donning a grouch-face, another 70 lbs, an apron and wooden ladle. Don't ask me why 'wife' makes me think of large, unhappy yiddish grandmothers...
Today the big kahuna was:
-Strangely enough I do not picture yiddish women, but I certainly do picture someone mature, wise, and elegant. Someone who at least has had their 30th birthday neatly tucked away amongst their white linen, stationary, and silk pajamas. I certainly do not picture a girl who calls her father "daddy", her pj's "stretchy pants", and is believed to be 12 yrs. old by 15 yr. old girls on airplanes.
But, here is how it lies:
I am a young-looking fancy and will not only continue to call my father "daddy" and my pj's "stretchy pants", but also jump up and down in unbridled excitement at the thought of coming home to my fancy, put off homework like a 12 yr. old, and stand on the couch whenever possible. Just because it's fun to be up there : ) And I will embrace wife and Mrs. like I would those unhappy yiddish grandmothers because I'll bet they are so much better than I could possibly imagine.
Besides, I'll be Tommy's Mrs. and wife, and quite frankly you could call me anything when I'm his: I'm honored and happy.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
If You Have Yet To Witness Me Extremely Excited About Eating: I Look Like A Ravenous Panda*
*warning: graphic post
Last night, at 11:00 pm, I got hungry. SUPER hungry. For salad : )
So I made a huge salad, grabbed a fork and called Tommy, because I just could not wait until I was finished to talk to him. [I'd already spent an extra hour trudging through sociology reading and maintaining atrocious self-discipline.]
I called him, and we talked as I inhaled my salad.
That was not the best of plans.
I look and act like a ravenous panda when I am happy and eating, and happy about eating.
In my desperation to speak while chewing a mouth full of salad,
I choked,
almost died [not really but it was a pretty good run],
and a piece of lettuce tried to go up and out of my nose.
I managed to sputter and cough my way back to normal breathing
at which point I started laughing
at which point Tommy asked if I was okay
at which point I told him it almost went up/came out my nose!
at which point he asked what I was drinking.
At which point I told him I wasn't drinking anything.
I was eating salad.
And yes, saying it out-loud definitely makes it more funny. So I had to laugh some more.
Just evidence Naked Apes, that health food can kill you.
And that men can still want to marry you even after they seriously question your intelligence.
Life is good : )
p.s. this post was originally drafted on October 20th, 2010
my apologies for the delay, i realize how imperative this post is.
p.p.s if you ever have time on your hands and want to try something interesting I've only just scraped the surface of: pay attention to where and when the word 'good' is used in the scriptures. Especially by God and prophets/apostles. This word has become so much more powerful to me in realizing the unbelievably precious things that have been described using it : ) Never again can I be asked "How're you doing?" and respond with the generic "good" without truly thinking on it. For me it is no more a word of mere adequacy or nonchalance, but a word used to describe the very best of existence.
Last night, at 11:00 pm, I got hungry. SUPER hungry. For salad : )
So I made a huge salad, grabbed a fork and called Tommy, because I just could not wait until I was finished to talk to him. [I'd already spent an extra hour trudging through sociology reading and maintaining atrocious self-discipline.]
I called him, and we talked as I inhaled my salad.
That was not the best of plans.
I look and act like a ravenous panda when I am happy and eating, and happy about eating.
In my desperation to speak while chewing a mouth full of salad,
I choked,
almost died [not really but it was a pretty good run],
and a piece of lettuce tried to go up and out of my nose.
I managed to sputter and cough my way back to normal breathing
at which point I started laughing
at which point Tommy asked if I was okay
at which point I told him it almost went up/came out my nose!
at which point he asked what I was drinking.
At which point I told him I wasn't drinking anything.
I was eating salad.
And yes, saying it out-loud definitely makes it more funny. So I had to laugh some more.
Just evidence Naked Apes, that health food can kill you.
And that men can still want to marry you even after they seriously question your intelligence.
Life is good : )
p.s. this post was originally drafted on October 20th, 2010
my apologies for the delay, i realize how imperative this post is.
p.p.s if you ever have time on your hands and want to try something interesting I've only just scraped the surface of: pay attention to where and when the word 'good' is used in the scriptures. Especially by God and prophets/apostles. This word has become so much more powerful to me in realizing the unbelievably precious things that have been described using it : ) Never again can I be asked "How're you doing?" and respond with the generic "good" without truly thinking on it. For me it is no more a word of mere adequacy or nonchalance, but a word used to describe the very best of existence.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Shoe Fits
Well Nakies, it happened.
Tommy drove up in that blessed Lord of the Rings green minivan and my life changed.
Can you super nova if you aren't technically a star?
I'm a believer.
I'm going to give you the shortened yet sweet version because, like I said, all of everything has happened.
Let's start at the beginning. With the occasional side note.
Get comfy.
Guess what happened between Tommy asking to hold my hand the night he got back and Tommy asking me to marry him?
13 days.
Whoa whoa CALM DOWN!! I know it's crazy!
But between spending every day together discussing extremely important things, getting to know each other again, spending almost three years in some sort of head-over-heels-in-love relationship, and praying and receiving confirmations and guidance throughout all of that time;
I think our almost 3 year run has been exactly as it should have been. And together forever sounds like the best life-plan I've ever heard of.
Back to the story.
He proposed in a parking lot.
: )
It was completely unplanned. But after spending over an hour talking one night, much to his surprise, Tommy found that everything that he'd wanted to do and talk about before proposing; had been done and talked about. So much to my shock and surprise, he got down on one knee and proposed. (I know, I know you all saw it coming, and so did we but I was thinking we'd at least make it to september...) Ah, truth be told Nakies, I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was perfect.
Tommy and I (mostly I) decided to not tell anyone for a week so we could let it soak in for ourselves first.
And then we promptly left the state with the Bushes for a week of vacation.
Can I just tell you, I have seen my fair share of beaches, but none has captivated me as the Oregonian beach we went to.
The last day we were there was a saturday (we had to get back early because Tommy was giving a talk in church that sunday), and that afternoon we stopped by an awesome antique store. I was just wandering around minding my own business when I saw a dress
...a wedding dress.
And I thought to myself, 'No. Carly, you are crazy. You just got engaged. Keep walking. No way are you going to find a wedding dress in a random antique store in Oregon. All wedding dresses in thrift/antique shops are even worse on a body than they are on a hanger anyway. You haven't even told anyone yet, you can't go trying on dresses.'
Ah, but you know what happened Naked Apes. Because you are smart. And you know how relentlessly curious I am.
So I ducked into their "dressing room". [The space beneath the stairwell with a torn sheet acting as a 'cover'.]
And put on an old, handmade wedding dress
that fit me perfectly. what?!
So I did the only sane thing a shocked girl can do.
I changed back into my clothes and went to go find Tommy.
We ended up buying and sneaking a wedding dress from a hole in the wall awesome antique store with minimal discovery, while there with all of the Bushes and his parents.
:) Life does not slow down when a Tommy-boy comes back from a mission.
Sunday Tommy asked my dad (a little out of order, but all well), and with his approval we told our two wonderful families. Close friends and extended family were told in the days soon after that.
And POOF! We were getting married and planning a wedding.
We went to reception locations, brainstormed ideas for colors, decorations, activities, dates, etc. Tommy dragged me to ring stores, and I was picky. We decided December was best, and waited without much patience for the Seattle temple to open up again so we could find out when it was available.
Life was hectic but blissful as we spent those 1.5 weeks searching for jobs and planning a wedding and future life together. The temple opened on August 30th, and with a phone call we discovered it was much more open than reception halls would be, so on the 31st we drove around checking out more locations/availability.
Then September 1st happened. You never know what a new day will bring.
I said my morning prayers and in them consulted my Heavenly Father, simply checking with him about our getting married in December. And to my surprise I was prompted in another direction. To go to school for the fall semester and not get married in December, but some unknown time after that.
That was a lot to chew.
But thankfully, Tommy was only 5 minutes away instead of half a world away. And we were able to talk, sort out, go to the temple together, and prayerfully seek out the answers and divine guidance and comfort we needed.
Tommy was amazing. Completely supportive the entire time. He helped me to go, again. I love this man.
The fall term at that point was to start in 7 days, and it is not a term I'm enrolled for. So I began the process of getting accepted into a program at school that allows you to attend all year round. It is a difficult process. One that requires a flawlessly planned out schedule for the entire coming year, several drafts and redrafts, checks and double checks, signatures and more signatures, approval and more approval.
Given that approval, there would still be the issue of getting accepted into all of the necessary classes to make all of that planning work when everyone (even the first semester freshmen) had already been allowed to fill up their desired classes.
There was also the issue of finding an available room when contracts are generally purchased months in advance, with Fall being the busiest semester of the year. On top of this (strangely enough), this Fall there was an unusually great deficit of womens housing, so much so in fact that several mens apartments had to be converted to womens to accommodate.
But God makes the impossible possible.
On Wednesday September 8th, with the help of so many people, I was able to get on a plane and go to Salt Lake Utah.
By the time I had picked up my luggage from the baggage claim, miraculous opportunities had occurred and I was practically handed a place to sleep for the next two nights, and a Fall contract in a newly converted mens-to-womens appartment.
I got on a bus and made it to Rexburg that night.
For the next two days I attended all of the classes I hoped to get into, and meanwhile heard nothing from the Admissions office who (it turns out) were working hard to get me through all the hoops I needed to jump. After several more miracles and wonderful people heeding promptings through their hectic lives, I was accepted into school that Friday night.
Meanwhile, back at home, my parents left on a vacation to celebrate their 25th anniversary and Tommy graciously began taking care of my two younger siblings.
It took about a week to secure all of my classes, but all were secured. And everything necessary was done so that I could stay and have everything I needed.
It is now the beginning of the second full week of school and Tommy and I both feel like it has been yet another lifetime since I left. But in that slow time we have learned many things, and I know that I for one have been greatly strengthened and edified by my father in heaven. It is clear to me that I have much to learn, but for the care attending both of us, I am extremely grateful.
My beloved friends, I am young but I have come to know that God knows everything, and that he loves you because you are his children. These two truths enable his guidance to be perfect and always for the eternal good of his children. For you. I know that following him with exactness will bring you the greatest happiness in this life and the next, and that there are no greater blessings than those our loving Father in Heaven wants to give you, and can give you, when you choose to do his will and enter into and keep promises with him that will enable you one day become as he is.
N.A's, I bought a slightly used but repaired pair of converse shoes from an antique store during that week and a half in August when Tommy and I were still planning a December wedding. I wasn't looking for shoes, but there they were. They are very light pink high tops with mint green edging. Nakies, if you know me at all, you know I'm not a pink girl, I do not like it on my person. But I love those shoes. Strangely enough: they suit me. I think they are unbelievably cute, and they are now my favorite shoes.
Funnily enough, these shoes remind me of Tommy. He loves converse high tops and he loves pink. And when I met him, I was not looking for him either. But somehow I am in a new life. A life where pink shoes suit me and are my favorite and I get to marry the man that I love who is also my favorite and suits me unbelievably well. When you align your will with Gods; Life fits. Even when it's new and scary. It's always better than the life that you had, and it's always steering you towards an eternity of changes for the better.
I didn't get a new summer dress Life or a suit of armor. I got a means to walk a rocky path. I got shoes. Shoes in which I have been shown the best path, and am choosing to follow it. Shoes I get to keep and seek Jesus with. Shoes that have helped me to grow as a person. Shoes that increase my potential. Almost the same as the shoes "Guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher." (But I get those for wedding shoes.)
Nakies, find your shoes!
If you've found them, treasure them.
Grow in God with those that you love
so that you can keep them forever,
and greet God with them by your side.
Even in this new life, the most important things are still true.
Thank you: to all of the Naked Apes who have been so supportive, and are even now at the ready to help us prepare for a wedding floating in the near future, and the continuing life after that. I feel so thoroughly welcomed! Your offers of assistance mean more to me than I can say, and I am keeping them all fresh in my mind. As soon as we can get our feet under us a little better, hopefully we can come together and plan. I'm sorry we don't have more that we can tell you, but we know all that is necessary for now, and the rest will come later as we continue to follow God. I have no room nor cause for doubt.
I love you all so very much.
~ Carly
p.s. On behalf of distance-heavy loved ones everywhere, I'd like to give a special shout out to Naked Ape Alexander Graham Bell for getting the cell phone rolling so soon. You sir, are wonderful.
Tommy drove up in that blessed Lord of the Rings green minivan and my life changed.
Can you super nova if you aren't technically a star?
I'm a believer.
I'm going to give you the shortened yet sweet version because, like I said, all of everything has happened.
Let's start at the beginning. With the occasional side note.
Get comfy.
Guess what happened between Tommy asking to hold my hand the night he got back and Tommy asking me to marry him?
13 days.
Whoa whoa CALM DOWN!! I know it's crazy!
But between spending every day together discussing extremely important things, getting to know each other again, spending almost three years in some sort of head-over-heels-in-love relationship, and praying and receiving confirmations and guidance throughout all of that time;
I think our almost 3 year run has been exactly as it should have been. And together forever sounds like the best life-plan I've ever heard of.
Back to the story.
He proposed in a parking lot.
: )
It was completely unplanned. But after spending over an hour talking one night, much to his surprise, Tommy found that everything that he'd wanted to do and talk about before proposing; had been done and talked about. So much to my shock and surprise, he got down on one knee and proposed. (I know, I know you all saw it coming, and so did we but I was thinking we'd at least make it to september...) Ah, truth be told Nakies, I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was perfect.
Tommy and I (mostly I) decided to not tell anyone for a week so we could let it soak in for ourselves first.
And then we promptly left the state with the Bushes for a week of vacation.
Can I just tell you, I have seen my fair share of beaches, but none has captivated me as the Oregonian beach we went to.
The last day we were there was a saturday (we had to get back early because Tommy was giving a talk in church that sunday), and that afternoon we stopped by an awesome antique store. I was just wandering around minding my own business when I saw a dress
...a wedding dress.
And I thought to myself, 'No. Carly, you are crazy. You just got engaged. Keep walking. No way are you going to find a wedding dress in a random antique store in Oregon. All wedding dresses in thrift/antique shops are even worse on a body than they are on a hanger anyway. You haven't even told anyone yet, you can't go trying on dresses.'
Ah, but you know what happened Naked Apes. Because you are smart. And you know how relentlessly curious I am.
So I ducked into their "dressing room". [The space beneath the stairwell with a torn sheet acting as a 'cover'.]
And put on an old, handmade wedding dress
that fit me perfectly. what?!
So I did the only sane thing a shocked girl can do.
I changed back into my clothes and went to go find Tommy.
We ended up buying and sneaking a wedding dress from a hole in the wall awesome antique store with minimal discovery, while there with all of the Bushes and his parents.
:) Life does not slow down when a Tommy-boy comes back from a mission.
Sunday Tommy asked my dad (a little out of order, but all well), and with his approval we told our two wonderful families. Close friends and extended family were told in the days soon after that.
And POOF! We were getting married and planning a wedding.
We went to reception locations, brainstormed ideas for colors, decorations, activities, dates, etc. Tommy dragged me to ring stores, and I was picky. We decided December was best, and waited without much patience for the Seattle temple to open up again so we could find out when it was available.
Life was hectic but blissful as we spent those 1.5 weeks searching for jobs and planning a wedding and future life together. The temple opened on August 30th, and with a phone call we discovered it was much more open than reception halls would be, so on the 31st we drove around checking out more locations/availability.
Then September 1st happened. You never know what a new day will bring.
I said my morning prayers and in them consulted my Heavenly Father, simply checking with him about our getting married in December. And to my surprise I was prompted in another direction. To go to school for the fall semester and not get married in December, but some unknown time after that.
That was a lot to chew.
But thankfully, Tommy was only 5 minutes away instead of half a world away. And we were able to talk, sort out, go to the temple together, and prayerfully seek out the answers and divine guidance and comfort we needed.
Tommy was amazing. Completely supportive the entire time. He helped me to go, again. I love this man.
The fall term at that point was to start in 7 days, and it is not a term I'm enrolled for. So I began the process of getting accepted into a program at school that allows you to attend all year round. It is a difficult process. One that requires a flawlessly planned out schedule for the entire coming year, several drafts and redrafts, checks and double checks, signatures and more signatures, approval and more approval.
Given that approval, there would still be the issue of getting accepted into all of the necessary classes to make all of that planning work when everyone (even the first semester freshmen) had already been allowed to fill up their desired classes.
There was also the issue of finding an available room when contracts are generally purchased months in advance, with Fall being the busiest semester of the year. On top of this (strangely enough), this Fall there was an unusually great deficit of womens housing, so much so in fact that several mens apartments had to be converted to womens to accommodate.
But God makes the impossible possible.
On Wednesday September 8th, with the help of so many people, I was able to get on a plane and go to Salt Lake Utah.
By the time I had picked up my luggage from the baggage claim, miraculous opportunities had occurred and I was practically handed a place to sleep for the next two nights, and a Fall contract in a newly converted mens-to-womens appartment.
I got on a bus and made it to Rexburg that night.
For the next two days I attended all of the classes I hoped to get into, and meanwhile heard nothing from the Admissions office who (it turns out) were working hard to get me through all the hoops I needed to jump. After several more miracles and wonderful people heeding promptings through their hectic lives, I was accepted into school that Friday night.
Meanwhile, back at home, my parents left on a vacation to celebrate their 25th anniversary and Tommy graciously began taking care of my two younger siblings.
It took about a week to secure all of my classes, but all were secured. And everything necessary was done so that I could stay and have everything I needed.
It is now the beginning of the second full week of school and Tommy and I both feel like it has been yet another lifetime since I left. But in that slow time we have learned many things, and I know that I for one have been greatly strengthened and edified by my father in heaven. It is clear to me that I have much to learn, but for the care attending both of us, I am extremely grateful.
My beloved friends, I am young but I have come to know that God knows everything, and that he loves you because you are his children. These two truths enable his guidance to be perfect and always for the eternal good of his children. For you. I know that following him with exactness will bring you the greatest happiness in this life and the next, and that there are no greater blessings than those our loving Father in Heaven wants to give you, and can give you, when you choose to do his will and enter into and keep promises with him that will enable you one day become as he is.
N.A's, I bought a slightly used but repaired pair of converse shoes from an antique store during that week and a half in August when Tommy and I were still planning a December wedding. I wasn't looking for shoes, but there they were. They are very light pink high tops with mint green edging. Nakies, if you know me at all, you know I'm not a pink girl, I do not like it on my person. But I love those shoes. Strangely enough: they suit me. I think they are unbelievably cute, and they are now my favorite shoes.
Funnily enough, these shoes remind me of Tommy. He loves converse high tops and he loves pink. And when I met him, I was not looking for him either. But somehow I am in a new life. A life where pink shoes suit me and are my favorite and I get to marry the man that I love who is also my favorite and suits me unbelievably well. When you align your will with Gods; Life fits. Even when it's new and scary. It's always better than the life that you had, and it's always steering you towards an eternity of changes for the better.
I didn't get a new summer dress Life or a suit of armor. I got a means to walk a rocky path. I got shoes. Shoes in which I have been shown the best path, and am choosing to follow it. Shoes I get to keep and seek Jesus with. Shoes that have helped me to grow as a person. Shoes that increase my potential. Almost the same as the shoes "Guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher." (But I get those for wedding shoes.)
Nakies, find your shoes!
If you've found them, treasure them.
Grow in God with those that you love
so that you can keep them forever,
and greet God with them by your side.
Even in this new life, the most important things are still true.
Thank you: to all of the Naked Apes who have been so supportive, and are even now at the ready to help us prepare for a wedding floating in the near future, and the continuing life after that. I feel so thoroughly welcomed! Your offers of assistance mean more to me than I can say, and I am keeping them all fresh in my mind. As soon as we can get our feet under us a little better, hopefully we can come together and plan. I'm sorry we don't have more that we can tell you, but we know all that is necessary for now, and the rest will come later as we continue to follow God. I have no room nor cause for doubt.
I love you all so very much.
~ Carly
p.s. On behalf of distance-heavy loved ones everywhere, I'd like to give a special shout out to Naked Ape Alexander Graham Bell for getting the cell phone rolling so soon. You sir, are wonderful.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I'm Putting On A New Life Tomorrow
It's being delivered tomorrow afternoon in the natural way.
(In person.)
I don't know what color it will be.
Or what shape.
I don't know if it will fit well or loosely.
I don't even know if it will be soft and comfortable or stiff and prickly. A cape? Pajamas? Running clothes? Armor? A new pair of bare feet and a sun dress?
I have no idea what it will be like.
All I know is the life that I've been wearing for quite some time now, has changed a lot.
Almost too much.
And by tomorrow afternoon it will have changed enough that it won't be what it was.
It'll be a something new.
Freshly delivered, unexplored, and minimally understood.
It's terribly exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. You know?
Because we can't go on having the same exact life all the time. The lives we have change every day until they've changed so much, they've changed out of what they are and become what they have (and will) become.
It's a butterfly process amongst a butterfly effect of continuous touching motion spinning us onwards to that great place of 'more than what we have been'.
It's beautiful amongst the fearful. And that's a lot of Full so one will have to beat out the other eventually.
In the meantime both are quarreling inside me in my overgrown life.
Nakies, I hope for all of you with your new life deliveries and indefinitely changing Now's,
that you can don your lives, and own them.
Whatever shape or color they may be.
Know that you and God are the ultimate tailors for the lives you wear.
So clothe yourselves.
Snip, sew, and pray often.
and strut what the good Lord gives you.
Because that will always be beautiful.
(In person.)
I don't know what color it will be.
Or what shape.
I don't know if it will fit well or loosely.
I don't even know if it will be soft and comfortable or stiff and prickly. A cape? Pajamas? Running clothes? Armor? A new pair of bare feet and a sun dress?
I have no idea what it will be like.
All I know is the life that I've been wearing for quite some time now, has changed a lot.
Almost too much.
And by tomorrow afternoon it will have changed enough that it won't be what it was.
It'll be a something new.
Freshly delivered, unexplored, and minimally understood.
It's terribly exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. You know?
Because we can't go on having the same exact life all the time. The lives we have change every day until they've changed so much, they've changed out of what they are and become what they have (and will) become.
It's a butterfly process amongst a butterfly effect of continuous touching motion spinning us onwards to that great place of 'more than what we have been'.
It's beautiful amongst the fearful. And that's a lot of Full so one will have to beat out the other eventually.
In the meantime both are quarreling inside me in my overgrown life.
Nakies, I hope for all of you with your new life deliveries and indefinitely changing Now's,
that you can don your lives, and own them.
Whatever shape or color they may be.
Know that you and God are the ultimate tailors for the lives you wear.
So clothe yourselves.
Snip, sew, and pray often.
and strut what the good Lord gives you.
Because that will always be beautiful.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Did I Tell You I'm Going Bald?
On my right eyebrow????
Because I am.
For those of you whose first mental or verbal exclamation at this news was "WHAAAAT??"
That's what I said when I looked in the mirror!
But it's true. I currently have a bald spot.
Just showed up on Tuesday of last week during the Meltdown.
Smack dab in the middle of the thickest part of my eyebrow.
No tweezer perpetrators.
I've heard of early-male-pattern baldness.
I've heard it can be brought on by mass amounts of stress.
But does the fact that I'm a girl who still needs her eyebrows count for nothing?
Naked Apes, do things ever happen to you that are so ridiculous, you suspect God is trying to make you laugh at yourself and ease up a bit?
That's what I feel like this was : )
Life is pretty funny and wonderful : )
And don't worry, I think this strange phenomenon will pass and it'll fill in, and if it doesn't, at least I'll have another unique eyebrow : )
Hold onto your brows Naked Apes.
Because I am.
For those of you whose first mental or verbal exclamation at this news was "WHAAAAT??"
That's what I said when I looked in the mirror!
But it's true. I currently have a bald spot.
Just showed up on Tuesday of last week during the Meltdown.
Smack dab in the middle of the thickest part of my eyebrow.
No tweezer perpetrators.
I've heard of early-male-pattern baldness.
I've heard it can be brought on by mass amounts of stress.
But does the fact that I'm a girl who still needs her eyebrows count for nothing?
Naked Apes, do things ever happen to you that are so ridiculous, you suspect God is trying to make you laugh at yourself and ease up a bit?
That's what I feel like this was : )
Life is pretty funny and wonderful : )
And don't worry, I think this strange phenomenon will pass and it'll fill in, and if it doesn't, at least I'll have another unique eyebrow : )
Hold onto your brows Naked Apes.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I hope ya'll took the moment to laugh at my [and every college student's] ridiculous temporary demise. Because as much as it sucks right now, there is still the part of me that is laughing at this whole thing. Or at least it would be if it was awake enough : )
Don't worry, we'll all regain consciousness and smiles in 1.5 weeks.
p.p.s. Shout out to my daddy. He sent me the best email today. And thereby saved our poor freezer the unfortunate experience of a grown girl trying to cozy inside. Thank you Daddy
p.p.p.s. I love you all. Hope you have a great couple of weeks.
do some of this for me
Don't worry, we'll all regain consciousness and smiles in 1.5 weeks.
p.p.s. Shout out to my daddy. He sent me the best email today. And thereby saved our poor freezer the unfortunate experience of a grown girl trying to cozy inside. Thank you Daddy
p.p.p.s. I love you all. Hope you have a great couple of weeks.
do some of this for me

Proof we've been attacked and mutilated by finals:
- I did a full errand run, got back and realized my fly was unzipped. Not that unusual I know, but it was the end of the day this time.
- I wear sweats all the time except for the 2-3 hours a day when I'm in class. And when I decide to run errands with my fly down.
- I literally do not have time to do Yoga. Which is only two hours a week.
- Yet I still procrastinate. As you see me here.
- All of my poems have been depressing for the past three weeks. But they are actually good so I'm alright with that.
- I've been sleeping with my calculator, books and computer in my bed for about a month. I don't have space for this kind of company.
- I've given up on laundry. Thus I have no top sheet on my bed.
- This is literally what I look like right now.

- I've had a headache for about a week. It goes away whenever I dedicatedly procrastinate my school work.
- My phone is dying. I think it has a stress induced illness that it got from my contagious stressed-out brain every time I've talked on the phone in the past two weeks.
- I need my nap every day and if I try to stay awake through the 3-5pm period, I fall asleep doing whatever I was doing trying to stay awake.
- I'm writing this because my brain has completely stopped processing schoolwork. I don't think I've blinked in the past 50 seconds.
- Every time someone leaves the house, we've started saying "i love you" and "good luck".
- My apartment has resorted to childhood comforts. Sleep overs. Large coloring books. Bubbles. Chalk. Sugar Cereals. Pancakes, ice-cream or pizza for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack.
- Becca is so stressed she shampooed her hair twice the other day because she was so distracted she couldn't remember whether she'd done it already. Two Weeks Notice anyone?
- I stare at a picture of Jesus to get me through my math class. It helps.
- Today I wanted to climb inside our freezer and just cry.
Oh and for the past few hours our sky has progressively exploded. We just found out it is due to a forest fire in Rigby, the town south of us.
It currently looks like this except ten times more colorful:

when I first saw the sky, before we had any inclination about what it might be, my first thought was:
'I hope it's the second coming so that I don't have to live through the next week and three days.'
- I did a full errand run, got back and realized my fly was unzipped. Not that unusual I know, but it was the end of the day this time.
- I wear sweats all the time except for the 2-3 hours a day when I'm in class. And when I decide to run errands with my fly down.
- I literally do not have time to do Yoga. Which is only two hours a week.
- Yet I still procrastinate. As you see me here.
- All of my poems have been depressing for the past three weeks. But they are actually good so I'm alright with that.
- I've been sleeping with my calculator, books and computer in my bed for about a month. I don't have space for this kind of company.
- I've given up on laundry. Thus I have no top sheet on my bed.
- This is literally what I look like right now.

- I've had a headache for about a week. It goes away whenever I dedicatedly procrastinate my school work.
- My phone is dying. I think it has a stress induced illness that it got from my contagious stressed-out brain every time I've talked on the phone in the past two weeks.
- I need my nap every day and if I try to stay awake through the 3-5pm period, I fall asleep doing whatever I was doing trying to stay awake.
- I'm writing this because my brain has completely stopped processing schoolwork. I don't think I've blinked in the past 50 seconds.
- Every time someone leaves the house, we've started saying "i love you" and "good luck".
- My apartment has resorted to childhood comforts. Sleep overs. Large coloring books. Bubbles. Chalk. Sugar Cereals. Pancakes, ice-cream or pizza for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack.
- Becca is so stressed she shampooed her hair twice the other day because she was so distracted she couldn't remember whether she'd done it already. Two Weeks Notice anyone?
- I stare at a picture of Jesus to get me through my math class. It helps.
- Today I wanted to climb inside our freezer and just cry.
Oh and for the past few hours our sky has progressively exploded. We just found out it is due to a forest fire in Rigby, the town south of us.
It currently looks like this except ten times more colorful:

when I first saw the sky, before we had any inclination about what it might be, my first thought was:
'I hope it's the second coming so that I don't have to live through the next week and three days.'
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The next time it's the fourth of the month,
This fact makes me crazy-happy : )

favorite shirt.

favorite way to wash suits..

2nd favorite gang sign.
Guess what else N.A.'s!!?!
I'm making elephant ears in celebration of it being July 4th.
Alisa Grace has never even heard of them before. Can you imagine?

Happy 7/4/10 : )
Celebrate crazy.
The next time it's the fourth of the month,
This fact makes me crazy-happy : )

favorite shirt.

favorite way to wash suits..

2nd favorite gang sign.
Guess what else N.A.'s!!?!
I'm making elephant ears in celebration of it being July 4th.
Alisa Grace has never even heard of them before. Can you imagine?

Happy 7/4/10 : )
Celebrate crazy.
We Escaped!!
Naked Apes, Alisa and I did it. We splurged, escaped the Burg and lived like Queens in Coeur d'Alene.
Which is French for heart of....Alene. I have no idea who Alene is. But let me tell you, her heart is beautiful.

We went to that hotel resort/spa castle awesomeness. It was gorgeous. Alisa and I went out to dinner once we'd checked in [p.s. Just driving around looking for a place to eat is a bad idea when all you have in the car is a girl who always gets lost and pulls a lot of U-ies, and an indecisive girl who is cranky due to lack of food.] Wow that tangent was so long I forgot what I was mentioning dinner for..
Anyway, despite the grandeur of the location, it was really hard to be mentally "on vacation". I thought it would be hard because I have mass amounts of homework to do in the next three days [major stress of the moment], but it turned out to be difficult because Tommy was on the brain because I found out exactly when he's getting home plus Coeur D'Alene looks exactly like Snoqualmie as far as landscape goes. And we took I-90 to get there, so everything looked like home and all I wanted to do was drive 5 more hours and be home. The last few weeks of the semester are brutal, especially this semester. So much to do, so little time.
Anyway, Highlights of the trip were:
- the valet's had knee high argyle socks. Not as cool as yours Jamo, but they tried : )
- we walked past the posh, dimly lit dining room and realized we were old enough to sit at the bar : )
- I had my first vanilla bean frappuccino from Starbucks. SO good.
- our room had huge movable shutters in front of the windows and the windows opened up onto a rooftop overlooking the lake. I'm a sucker for shutters. I'm a sucker for windows opening out onto rooftops. Yeah, of course I'm a sucker for lakes too.
- I got slightly sea sick while sitting in a booth at outback steakhouse haha I fell over.
and then the top two I'm not sure which one wins:
- I discovered that I can shoot a fine yet hearty spray of water through my straw [approximately two feet wide] by sucking some water up my straw, holding it there with my tongue and then forcefully blowing it out on Alisa Grace's face/entire person when she was sitting across from me in the booth at Outback. Awesome: YES. Hilarious the way a small child biffing it is hilarious: Definitely : ) I think I laughed for ten minutes at least..good thing she's a good sport and supported my gutsy experimenting.
- In casual conversation as I was enjoying a massage, I assumed my Masseuse was gay when she mentioned she had a "partner". I asked what her name was. All she said was:
"It's a he."
I didn't laugh. I started mentally gnawing on my foot and making notes to myself about the possibilities for the word "partner" and thinking how when Woody says partner you always know what he means. Those were the days.
Short story before I peace out:
When booking our room the lady asked me if we wanted two queen size beds in our room or one. Confused, I hesitantly asked "Is there a difference in price?"
She answered "Not at all".
What what what what what?!!?!?! Who in their right mind would want one?! Even if you were married! PARTY!!!
"Oh we'll definitely be wanting two."
MOR-al'S for you Naked Apes:
make gutsy experiments.
the yellow pages are your friend.
choose your college wisely, it'll help make staying worthwhile.
don't assume.
stick to the left if you're going slow on the freeway it makes everyone really happy...note the sarcasm in my voice apes.
don't be afraid to run away to find your true calling of being a princess.
this could be you ~

ah beautiful.
Which is French for heart of....Alene. I have no idea who Alene is. But let me tell you, her heart is beautiful.

We went to that hotel resort/spa castle awesomeness. It was gorgeous. Alisa and I went out to dinner once we'd checked in [p.s. Just driving around looking for a place to eat is a bad idea when all you have in the car is a girl who always gets lost and pulls a lot of U-ies, and an indecisive girl who is cranky due to lack of food.] Wow that tangent was so long I forgot what I was mentioning dinner for..
Anyway, despite the grandeur of the location, it was really hard to be mentally "on vacation". I thought it would be hard because I have mass amounts of homework to do in the next three days [major stress of the moment], but it turned out to be difficult because Tommy was on the brain because I found out exactly when he's getting home plus Coeur D'Alene looks exactly like Snoqualmie as far as landscape goes. And we took I-90 to get there, so everything looked like home and all I wanted to do was drive 5 more hours and be home. The last few weeks of the semester are brutal, especially this semester. So much to do, so little time.
Anyway, Highlights of the trip were:
- the valet's had knee high argyle socks. Not as cool as yours Jamo, but they tried : )
- we walked past the posh, dimly lit dining room and realized we were old enough to sit at the bar : )
- I had my first vanilla bean frappuccino from Starbucks. SO good.
- our room had huge movable shutters in front of the windows and the windows opened up onto a rooftop overlooking the lake. I'm a sucker for shutters. I'm a sucker for windows opening out onto rooftops. Yeah, of course I'm a sucker for lakes too.
- I got slightly sea sick while sitting in a booth at outback steakhouse haha I fell over.
and then the top two I'm not sure which one wins:
- I discovered that I can shoot a fine yet hearty spray of water through my straw [approximately two feet wide] by sucking some water up my straw, holding it there with my tongue and then forcefully blowing it out on Alisa Grace's face/entire person when she was sitting across from me in the booth at Outback. Awesome: YES. Hilarious the way a small child biffing it is hilarious: Definitely : ) I think I laughed for ten minutes at least..good thing she's a good sport and supported my gutsy experimenting.
- In casual conversation as I was enjoying a massage, I assumed my Masseuse was gay when she mentioned she had a "partner". I asked what her name was. All she said was:
"It's a he."
I didn't laugh. I started mentally gnawing on my foot and making notes to myself about the possibilities for the word "partner" and thinking how when Woody says partner you always know what he means. Those were the days.
Short story before I peace out:
When booking our room the lady asked me if we wanted two queen size beds in our room or one. Confused, I hesitantly asked "Is there a difference in price?"
She answered "Not at all".
What what what what what?!!?!?! Who in their right mind would want one?! Even if you were married! PARTY!!!
"Oh we'll definitely be wanting two."
MOR-al'S for you Naked Apes:
make gutsy experiments.
the yellow pages are your friend.
choose your college wisely, it'll help make staying worthwhile.
don't assume.
stick to the left if you're going slow on the freeway it makes everyone really happy...note the sarcasm in my voice apes.
don't be afraid to run away to find your true calling of being a princess.
this could be you ~

ah beautiful.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Viewing the Climax
Naked Apes, today is the last day of the month of June. It was a swelteringly hot day in this town and especially this apartment. However, I happily enjoyed minimal movement, the cancelation of one of my classes, a wonderful book, and lots of light food throughout the day. Baby Cereal with fresh strawberries, carrots and dip, corn tortilla chips, watermelon, bananas, yogurt, water, sliver of cold cheese cake, bran cereal n' milk, pb&j in a wheat tortilla...I'm rambling about nothing important.
The facts are these:
- I'd like to have a cool reason a.k.a. a wicked-awesome and or personally meaningful literary or musical piece that served as the inspiration for my blog name; but I don't. I looked. And no one cool has thought up "Raining Heaven" yet. Can one of you get on that please?
- I have an entire roll of toilet paper at the ready, in my bed, so I can blow my schnozz all evening.
- Yesterday during my 1.5 hour math class, I bounced up and down in uncontrollable anticipation for nearly the entire class. It seemed as though the previous 23 months of anticipation had finally converged on me and I could not last another minute of being good and sitting still. I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!
- Becca does not sleep well in heat.
- "Lakota Woman" is a great book. Read it if you have any interest in Indians. The ones we killed off and striped of their culture, land and religion when we came to the New World, not the ones in India. Yes I know it was foretold, but really Americans? Really?
- I want to grow old and be like each of these people in at least one way.
Cutely Coupled and Dreaming Everywhere ~

A Laugher ~

Adventurous ~

Ride on my Own Horse ~

See and Feel Time and Life Kiss My Face, then Slowly Seep Within Me to Stay ~

Have a Spot in the Middle of My World where I can Talk and Live with Friends. Friends with whom I will Agree with Nothing and Everything ~

Still Love Breakfast Something Fierce ~

Live Life on the Edge ~

Be Absolutely Adorable ~

Fearless ~


Have My Own Stories ~

Be Happy ~

Live at the Height of My Own Fashion ~

Still Connect With Young ~

Be Beautiful. Wise. And Look Fine in My Hats ~

Night Y'all : ) Sweet dreams.
p.s. none of these pictures are mine. I live without a camera. I'll let you know when I stop stealing other people's moment-captures and can take my own.
The facts are these:
- I'd like to have a cool reason a.k.a. a wicked-awesome and or personally meaningful literary or musical piece that served as the inspiration for my blog name; but I don't. I looked. And no one cool has thought up "Raining Heaven" yet. Can one of you get on that please?
- I have an entire roll of toilet paper at the ready, in my bed, so I can blow my schnozz all evening.
- Yesterday during my 1.5 hour math class, I bounced up and down in uncontrollable anticipation for nearly the entire class. It seemed as though the previous 23 months of anticipation had finally converged on me and I could not last another minute of being good and sitting still. I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!
- Becca does not sleep well in heat.
- "Lakota Woman" is a great book. Read it if you have any interest in Indians. The ones we killed off and striped of their culture, land and religion when we came to the New World, not the ones in India. Yes I know it was foretold, but really Americans? Really?
- I want to grow old and be like each of these people in at least one way.
Cutely Coupled and Dreaming Everywhere ~

A Laugher ~

Adventurous ~

Ride on my Own Horse ~

See and Feel Time and Life Kiss My Face, then Slowly Seep Within Me to Stay ~

Have a Spot in the Middle of My World where I can Talk and Live with Friends. Friends with whom I will Agree with Nothing and Everything ~

Still Love Breakfast Something Fierce ~

Live Life on the Edge ~

Be Absolutely Adorable ~

Fearless ~


Have My Own Stories ~

Be Happy ~

Live at the Height of My Own Fashion ~

Still Connect With Young ~

Be Beautiful. Wise. And Look Fine in My Hats ~

Night Y'all : ) Sweet dreams.
p.s. none of these pictures are mine. I live without a camera. I'll let you know when I stop stealing other people's moment-captures and can take my own.
Things I Wouldn't Mind Having Endless Supplies Of
1. Charmin Ultra Toilet Paper. I love love love this invention. Kudos to those bears.

2. Bananas

3. Chapstick

4. Water. Cold. In a water bottle.

5. Chocolate. Specifically ice-cream with chocolate in it.

6. Books. Good books.

7. Blankets. Specifically quilts and other soft coverings.

8. Music.

9. The feeling that I have right now:


2. Bananas

3. Chapstick

4. Water. Cold. In a water bottle.

5. Chocolate. Specifically ice-cream with chocolate in it.

6. Books. Good books.

7. Blankets. Specifically quilts and other soft coverings.

8. Music.

9. The feeling that I have right now:


Monday, June 28, 2010
As Sherlock Would Say
What can you deduce from the Carly before you?
1. The sticky blue residue on the planes of your laptop would insinuate a blue popsicle has been consumed within the past four hours. *lick, lick*. Hmm. Blue raspberry. Overly sweetened and falsified flavoring.
2. The unusually smooth upper half of your left and right shins would lead one to believe a grainy substance has been used to rub the dead particles down.
3. The spectacles on your nose, used even when working on a computer 18 inches from your head, would imply either a stark near-sighted visual impairment or a slightly less prevalent far-sighted one. We'll go with the first since you raise your entire head, not just your eyes, in order to look across the room.
4. The open math book beneath your laptop would indicate that while you wish to have your studies finished, so much so that you have pulled out all the necessary tools to do so, you have left the discomfort of mental dedication for less arduous and more pleasurable tasks presented to you by a computer.
5. The used up kleenex by your leg is the remnant of a small allergic reaction, no doubt from something that wafted in through the open window behind you.
6. The cap-less water bottle on the stool beside you shows a hastiness for hydration or a carelessness for cheap plastic-ware. Ah now I see the cap on the floor just over there so it must be the first one.
7. The striped pajama pants you wear are neither extremely formal nor cheap therefore I'm betting they were a gift from someone, a woman, older than yourself.
8. You've no ring on your left hand, yet you've one on your right ring finger, thin, no other jewelry or watch, you don't care for heavy adornment, although your left wrist has slight discoloration on it where the absence of sun has left the skin slightly lighter, and your ears have holes in them therefore you do like accessories of some kind.
9. Your position on the couch speaks of general fatigue but not exhaustion as the sleeping form on the opposite couch does. Though the time is late, and all should be in bed, you stay awake even though you could sleep. Why. For the duty unfinished? The water only half drunk? no...
10. You stay awake because of what is on your face and in your mouth you have not opened once during this interlude of inspection. Your skin carries the weight of a facial mask, over-dried, and your lips hold captive the breath you are too afraid to emit due to it's unforgiving odor.
Run along, wash your face, brush your teeth, leave the work and frivolities, throw away the tissue, drink the water, wake the sleeping form and shush it to bed. Sleep and left-off-bangles will be found soon enough.
Yep that's right naked apes. This is how my mind works. Creativity comes from crazy.
I'm off to bed, you best do the same or you'll turn into Robert Downey Jr. in your head too.
1. The sticky blue residue on the planes of your laptop would insinuate a blue popsicle has been consumed within the past four hours. *lick, lick*. Hmm. Blue raspberry. Overly sweetened and falsified flavoring.
2. The unusually smooth upper half of your left and right shins would lead one to believe a grainy substance has been used to rub the dead particles down.
3. The spectacles on your nose, used even when working on a computer 18 inches from your head, would imply either a stark near-sighted visual impairment or a slightly less prevalent far-sighted one. We'll go with the first since you raise your entire head, not just your eyes, in order to look across the room.
4. The open math book beneath your laptop would indicate that while you wish to have your studies finished, so much so that you have pulled out all the necessary tools to do so, you have left the discomfort of mental dedication for less arduous and more pleasurable tasks presented to you by a computer.
5. The used up kleenex by your leg is the remnant of a small allergic reaction, no doubt from something that wafted in through the open window behind you.
6. The cap-less water bottle on the stool beside you shows a hastiness for hydration or a carelessness for cheap plastic-ware. Ah now I see the cap on the floor just over there so it must be the first one.
7. The striped pajama pants you wear are neither extremely formal nor cheap therefore I'm betting they were a gift from someone, a woman, older than yourself.
8. You've no ring on your left hand, yet you've one on your right ring finger, thin, no other jewelry or watch, you don't care for heavy adornment, although your left wrist has slight discoloration on it where the absence of sun has left the skin slightly lighter, and your ears have holes in them therefore you do like accessories of some kind.
9. Your position on the couch speaks of general fatigue but not exhaustion as the sleeping form on the opposite couch does. Though the time is late, and all should be in bed, you stay awake even though you could sleep. Why. For the duty unfinished? The water only half drunk? no...
10. You stay awake because of what is on your face and in your mouth you have not opened once during this interlude of inspection. Your skin carries the weight of a facial mask, over-dried, and your lips hold captive the breath you are too afraid to emit due to it's unforgiving odor.
Run along, wash your face, brush your teeth, leave the work and frivolities, throw away the tissue, drink the water, wake the sleeping form and shush it to bed. Sleep and left-off-bangles will be found soon enough.
Yep that's right naked apes. This is how my mind works. Creativity comes from crazy.
I'm off to bed, you best do the same or you'll turn into Robert Downey Jr. in your head too.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Six Months Almost Exactly
Has it been six months since I last wrote on here?
Do I mind?
But my dear naked apes, I do want you to know what I've been up to.
I am so deeply in love with life : )
Okay synopsis!
January - college
Roommates: 5 GORGEOUS GALS
22 years old, grew up in California, soccer ref. extraordinaire, guitarist and crooner, loves her popcorn : ) We got to room with Jess winter of '09 as well. Helps being in the same apartment : )

Tonya aka "Tonya T"
23 years old, lived all over the world, served her mission in France, excellent dancer and ice skater, buff buff buff. Engaged to Evan the wonderful.

19 years old, from Texas (woot!), sweetheart, loves her doggies, has the cutest y'all and cowboy boots you'll ever see.

And of course my best friends here:
Alisa Grace
20 years old, from Iowa, amazon woman, cup collector, talented burper, loves her family, hilarious, taught me my first big bunch of guitar chords.

Becca Boo
20 years old, from my home town, sarcastic jokester, dedicated creator and designer for company and sports logo's/ad's etc, talented barista, my best friend for the past 11 years.

Naked Apes can you believe these amazing women are all single except Tonya T?!
There are four naked apes out there who are going to be very lucky lads someday.
In January I also became hallway friends with
Mikey, and eventually his lovely wife Cambra

and my life hasn't been the same since. Haha it's been really fantastic : )
Mikey [aka "Michael", "Mike"] has become my adopted big brother, he and Cambra have become my good friends, and Mikey and his friend Garrett introduced me to the Mackles.
"Mackles" or M^3 is short for "Mid-Morning's Mackles" the guerrilla poetry group Garrett started. I didn't know it at the time, but the Mackles meeting Mikey invited me to was actually the first one ever. Since then we have met every week on different days and times, just a bunch of college kids who like poetry. We write poems or bring poems we like and read them to each other. It's my favorite part of my weekday-week. It's hilarious, fun, and the best nest/cocoon of creativity and freedom of expression I've ever been a part of.
This was the first night of Mackles:

other mackles meetings:







and at the local laundromat

The last Mackles meeting of winter semester:

p.s. Tonya T and Evan got married during the break:

are they not the cutest?
p.p.s. In case you were wondering what to get me for a present at any point in my life:

mini pigs.
that's what's up.
Do I mind?
But my dear naked apes, I do want you to know what I've been up to.
I am so deeply in love with life : )
Okay synopsis!
January - college
Roommates: 5 GORGEOUS GALS
22 years old, grew up in California, soccer ref. extraordinaire, guitarist and crooner, loves her popcorn : ) We got to room with Jess winter of '09 as well. Helps being in the same apartment : )

Tonya aka "Tonya T"
23 years old, lived all over the world, served her mission in France, excellent dancer and ice skater, buff buff buff. Engaged to Evan the wonderful.

19 years old, from Texas (woot!), sweetheart, loves her doggies, has the cutest y'all and cowboy boots you'll ever see.

And of course my best friends here:
Alisa Grace
20 years old, from Iowa, amazon woman, cup collector, talented burper, loves her family, hilarious, taught me my first big bunch of guitar chords.

Becca Boo
20 years old, from my home town, sarcastic jokester, dedicated creator and designer for company and sports logo's/ad's etc, talented barista, my best friend for the past 11 years.

Naked Apes can you believe these amazing women are all single except Tonya T?!
There are four naked apes out there who are going to be very lucky lads someday.
In January I also became hallway friends with
Mikey, and eventually his lovely wife Cambra

and my life hasn't been the same since. Haha it's been really fantastic : )
Mikey [aka "Michael", "Mike"] has become my adopted big brother, he and Cambra have become my good friends, and Mikey and his friend Garrett introduced me to the Mackles.
"Mackles" or M^3 is short for "Mid-Morning's Mackles" the guerrilla poetry group Garrett started. I didn't know it at the time, but the Mackles meeting Mikey invited me to was actually the first one ever. Since then we have met every week on different days and times, just a bunch of college kids who like poetry. We write poems or bring poems we like and read them to each other. It's my favorite part of my weekday-week. It's hilarious, fun, and the best nest/cocoon of creativity and freedom of expression I've ever been a part of.
This was the first night of Mackles:

other mackles meetings:








and at the local laundromat

The last Mackles meeting of winter semester:

p.s. Tonya T and Evan got married during the break:

are they not the cutest?
p.p.s. In case you were wondering what to get me for a present at any point in my life:

mini pigs.
that's what's up.
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