Monday, June 28, 2010

As Sherlock Would Say

What can you deduce from the Carly before you?

1. The sticky blue residue on the planes of your laptop would insinuate a blue popsicle has been consumed within the past four hours. *lick, lick*. Hmm. Blue raspberry. Overly sweetened and falsified flavoring.

2. The unusually smooth upper half of your left and right shins would lead one to believe a grainy substance has been used to rub the dead particles down.

3. The spectacles on your nose, used even when working on a computer 18 inches from your head, would imply either a stark near-sighted visual impairment or a slightly less prevalent far-sighted one. We'll go with the first since you raise your entire head, not just your eyes, in order to look across the room.

4. The open math book beneath your laptop would indicate that while you wish to have your studies finished, so much so that you have pulled out all the necessary tools to do so, you have left the discomfort of mental dedication for less arduous and more pleasurable tasks presented to you by a computer.

5. The used up kleenex by your leg is the remnant of a small allergic reaction, no doubt from something that wafted in through the open window behind you.

6. The cap-less water bottle on the stool beside you shows a hastiness for hydration or a carelessness for cheap plastic-ware. Ah now I see the cap on the floor just over there so it must be the first one.

7. The striped pajama pants you wear are neither extremely formal nor cheap therefore I'm betting they were a gift from someone, a woman, older than yourself.

8. You've no ring on your left hand, yet you've one on your right ring finger, thin, no other jewelry or watch, you don't care for heavy adornment, although your left wrist has slight discoloration on it where the absence of sun has left the skin slightly lighter, and your ears have holes in them therefore you do like accessories of some kind.

9. Your position on the couch speaks of general fatigue but not exhaustion as the sleeping form on the opposite couch does. Though the time is late, and all should be in bed, you stay awake even though you could sleep. Why. For the duty unfinished? The water only half drunk? no...

10. You stay awake because of what is on your face and in your mouth you have not opened once during this interlude of inspection. Your skin carries the weight of a facial mask, over-dried, and your lips hold captive the breath you are too afraid to emit due to it's unforgiving odor.

Run along, wash your face, brush your teeth, leave the work and frivolities, throw away the tissue, drink the water, wake the sleeping form and shush it to bed. Sleep and left-off-bangles will be found soon enough.

Yep that's right naked apes. This is how my mind works. Creativity comes from crazy.
I'm off to bed, you best do the same or you'll turn into Robert Downey Jr. in your head too.

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