Monday, July 19, 2010

Did I Tell You I'm Going Bald?

On my right eyebrow????

Because I am.

For those of you whose first mental or verbal exclamation at this news was "WHAAAAT??"

That's what I said when I looked in the mirror!

But it's true. I currently have a bald spot.

Just showed up on Tuesday of last week during the Meltdown.

Smack dab in the middle of the thickest part of my eyebrow.

No tweezer perpetrators.

I've heard of early-male-pattern baldness.

I've heard it can be brought on by mass amounts of stress.

But does the fact that I'm a girl who still needs her eyebrows count for nothing?

Naked Apes, do things ever happen to you that are so ridiculous, you suspect God is trying to make you laugh at yourself and ease up a bit?
That's what I feel like this was : )

Life is pretty funny and wonderful : )

And don't worry, I think this strange phenomenon will pass and it'll fill in, and if it doesn't, at least I'll have another unique eyebrow : )

Hold onto your brows Naked Apes.

1 comment:

Becky said...

wish i could... but... i've had a bald spot in my eyebrow for as long as i can remember. but, if it makes you feel any better, it is starting to fill in...hope!