Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Six Months Almost Exactly

Has it been six months since I last wrote on here?
Do I mind?
But my dear naked apes, I do want you to know what I've been up to.

I am so deeply in love with life : )

Okay synopsis!

January - college

Roommates: 5 GORGEOUS GALS


22 years old, grew up in California, soccer ref. extraordinaire, guitarist and crooner, loves her popcorn : ) We got to room with Jess winter of '09 as well. Helps being in the same apartment : )

Tonya aka "Tonya T"

23 years old, lived all over the world, served her mission in France, excellent dancer and ice skater, buff buff buff. Engaged to Evan the wonderful.


19 years old, from Texas (woot!), sweetheart, loves her doggies, has the cutest y'all and cowboy boots you'll ever see.

And of course my best friends here:

Alisa Grace

20 years old, from Iowa, amazon woman, cup collector, talented burper, loves her family, hilarious, taught me my first big bunch of guitar chords.

Becca Boo

20 years old, from my home town, sarcastic jokester, dedicated creator and designer for company and sports logo's/ad's etc, talented barista, my best friend for the past 11 years.

Naked Apes can you believe these amazing women are all single except Tonya T?!
There are four naked apes out there who are going to be very lucky lads someday.


In January I also became hallway friends with

Mikey, and eventually his lovely wife Cambra

and my life hasn't been the same since. Haha it's been really fantastic : )

Mikey [aka "Michael", "Mike"] has become my adopted big brother, he and Cambra have become my good friends, and Mikey and his friend Garrett introduced me to the Mackles.

"Mackles" or M^3 is short for "Mid-Morning's Mackles" the guerrilla poetry group Garrett started. I didn't know it at the time, but the Mackles meeting Mikey invited me to was actually the first one ever. Since then we have met every week on different days and times, just a bunch of college kids who like poetry. We write poems or bring poems we like and read them to each other. It's my favorite part of my weekday-week. It's hilarious, fun, and the best nest/cocoon of creativity and freedom of expression I've ever been a part of.

This was the first night of Mackles:

other mackles meetings:

and at the local laundromat

The last Mackles meeting of winter semester:


p.s. Tonya T and Evan got married during the break:

are they not the cutest?

p.p.s. In case you were wondering what to get me for a present at any point in my life:

mini pigs.

that's what's up.

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