Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just a little....Anniversary!

YES it has been slightly over 365 days since we were sealed/married and ate a lot of cheesecake with our most beloved loved ones!

Tommy and I were lucky to score a 3 day weekend (off from my work) and a warm 72 hours in Rexburg for our celebrations. It was a much needed reprieve and so refreshing!

We spent all of Saturday morning outside at the park and it was absolutely glorious!!

Tommy packed us a picnic, the awesome book we've been reading, a quilt, frisbee's, slingshots, and a ball and gloves. Did I mention he is stellar?

First, Tommy played catch and I played runaftertheball. I was not so glorious.

Because A.) Tommy thinks I'm 7 ft tall or can at least jump few inches...
B.) The whole catching with a glove thing where you are supposed to use the additional three inches past your fingertips to catch the ball...severely confuses my hand.

Luckily there were several small children at the playground 80 feet away who were more than willing to retrieve the baseball and carry it to me at least 10 of the feet : )


we officially gave our *sling shot christmas presents* a go using local pinecones as ammunition.

We successfully avoided hitting anyone in the face and perfected our aiming skills.

Tommy had to show me how to hold the slingshot and pinecone for optimal release speed. I am 100% better than I was before however I don't think I could kill any birds quite yet. I'd probably just make them mad if I got anywhere close to hitting them.

[no we aren't planning on using our slingshots to kill birds but if you could kill a bird with a slingshot you would be REALLY good and I'd salute you before giving you the stink eye for murdering Tweetie's cousins.]

Then we ate our lovely picnic and read our book and soaked in some sun!

Eventually we ran away to the movie theater where we plotted our devious return 4 hours later.
4 hours later I smuggled snacks (vanilla yogurt + granola) into The Hunger Games and clutched Tommy's arm through the entire 2 hours.

Isn't it crazy how you can read an entire series and know everything that's going to happen to every character and still sit in the theatre and freak out through all the tense parts?

Sunday we went to church and spent time with our nursery kiddos whom we love : )

One of the 2 year old girls cracked up in the middle of the coloring time, turned to me and chuckled "I farted!". We. Love. Them. All.

It's hilarious to be in a class of all girls. They stir up drama and fight over babies and whose hair clip is whose. And they have giggling fits and like to twirl in their dresses and they LOVE Tommy : )

After church we built a fortress!

And Tommy cooked up a bajillion delicious onion rings:

And my stupid dough did...nothing:

For hours! It refused to rise! So I baked it anyway!

My rolls were definitely more dense than I'd hoped, but still super tasty.

We read more of our book and snuggled and watched our t.v. shows and had the best time just spending all day together : )

I'd say a definitely delicious anniversary vacation.

Plus there was Apple-Mango Bubbly. What?!

Try it.


Sarah said...

An amazing anniversary, indeed! I'm glad you had such a good time.

I miss you, Car Car!

I love your blog. It's just so.... YOU. And it helps me feel the distance less, so thanks.

Windy Dawn said...

Sling shots!!

Deborah said...

My kind of weekend! Love you.