Saturday, January 21, 2012


Pink is my pop-up shoulder devil.

The singer. Not the color, come on nakies.

I'm not saying that when faced with a decision, Pink pops up and tells me to do bad, selfish stuff. She just pops up and says, "Hey Carly, listen to this awesome song I wrote. You'll feel better girl." [edited version. Pink uses harsher language with her peeps. which I am one of.]

And then I do it and get distracted by how awesome and punk-rocker I am. I even think I'm a funny punkster and not at all that bad.

But it's just the Pink in me. Or at least, on my shoulder.

All I'm saying is, Oprah is pretty cool, lots of ladies in this world feel a sisterly connection with her, they'd probably hug her if they had the chance, but Pink's my girl. I'd hug her. Or have her back in a dark alley against other punk-peeps. Whatever.

Rock out nakies. To whatever makes you happy.

1 comment:

Bushland said...

This is my favorite performance by Pink. It was done at the 2010 Grammy Awards. It's mesmerizing!!