Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I have to agree with Windy's indecision

Dearest N.A's and T.'s,
I've been writing more poems. Gander if you wish.


strange looking back
when you realize the past
wasn't just yesterday.
And you've grown old
with your eyes closed
or open
depending on the hour.
until this moment
you feel how light your arms are
empty with all the time that's slipped


Smidgens of bits
dot your words and lips
like cookie crumbs
or potato chips
It matters less
what I turn into
you still won't know
I've grown old like new.


meet me on smith street
in between the donut cart and bummers beat
just past lunch and past the hours
the deli girl greets the man with flowers
up the smoking stands and brokers bands
the shuffling feet of suits and geeks
grappling for watches, keeping time in their lives
every tick for the tock of the money-sick hives

meet me on smith street
I'll hold a sandwich and daisy
my donut passed on to the men playing lazy
I'll sit at a table with the haze in my hair
midst screeching of tires and shout shaken air
I'll be dreaming in my skin, my wrists clockless and free
I'll wait to see you,
alive on smith street with me.


it is just about time to realize
that I should have done something
hours ago.


a rhyme would sift you both away,
would slit the night to birth the day

would beg the moon to writhe in spite
sloshing dregs up shores spun white

would tango notes flung from the bees
buzzing sovereign melodies

would silver spoons with black soon taint
to brush cream eyes in dreamers paint


carleen marie
who had always somewhat wished
for a first name beginning with "B"
was quite unnaturally stung
by the butt
of a backwards flying bee


Peter Pan

I caught myself in my mirror tonight
we haven't run into each other in a while.
my face adopted some years
and in bleary lights and dimming eyes
I saw me gaunt and wrinkled at 80.
And knew,
this is why he did it.


p.s. Whether I decide on a name for you or not, it just so happens that both names automatically (and without my permission) incite thoughts, even phrases, into my mind. I think it only fair you know what I think of when presented with your possible epithets.

Naked Apes:

all I want to say in closing is: "good night, sweet dreams, and go put some clothes on, you furry people."


I know it is wrong but I want to say "may the force be with you" and close out with a silent smile and sign.

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