Saturday, October 10, 2009

Absolute Adorations

All in one day : )

~ waking up early, showering and GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE

~ that feeling of pure bodily joy that happens right after you've been active/working out.
Strangely enough, always makes me want desserts with chocolate in them.
Reason number three of why I enjoy drinking milkshakes while working out.
But today, I RESISTED! So maybe I'm even happier : )

~ slipping on rough and prickly gloves that smell strongly of dirt,
picking up a rake,
hoisting some buckets onto your shoulder,
and setting off across the yard.

It feels so right : )

~ eating tuna cheese melts stuffed with: lettuce, pickles, and tomatoes.
especially amazing when you've been active and hungry for hours.
and your hands finally feel clean : )
so good!

~ feeling full and drowsy at 2:30 pm and realizing,
not only are you already in your bed,
but this is the normal time when normal people take naps!

so you do : )

~ falling asleep for your nap
feeling warm
and cozy
and knowing:

you are going to eat a cinnamon roll when you wake up : )

It doesn't get much better than this : )

I even read the Book of Mormon this morning : )


all of it.

just kidding... : )

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