Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Every morning Mr. Wonderful has school.

And guess who doesn't? Ha ha!

Tommy wakes up and while he gets ready for the day, I SLEEP IN! Delicious.

Then I pop out of bed 5 minutes before he needs to go, throw on 5 more layers of clothes and drive him to school.

When I get back, the house is empty and warm and lit by twinkle lights. It's beautiful, but it's quiet and lonely without my man inside. So I have to entertain myself.

Especially when I'm in our bathroom. Our bathroom has one of those handy dandy light-switch fans that doesn't let you choose between lights or fan because BOOM it does both at once. It's kind of like being inside of a cyclone. (I'm imagining...).

So because I can't hear myself think, I feel like I can be louder with my voice when I'm in there. I like to bang around the doors of the cupboard as I get out my toothbrush and makeup and make loud impressions of loud people. Like Thor.


Then, I check my "rage" face in the mirror to see if I'm good. I'm not quite there yet.


Last week, (thanks to Aubrey and Jon taking us to see the Muppets Movie), I had a life changing realization that I am the Swedish Chef whenever I brush my teeth!

I am rather notorious for trying to talk to people while I'm brushing my teeth because I think I can still make intelligible conversation. I think after living with me for a year or two, maybe I do become easier to understand...but! After Tommy said "WHAT?" for the third time from inside the shower, I started impersonating the Swedish chef by giving in to the natural mumble of my toothbrush and paste filled mouth and I'm him!

Minus the chickens.


Windy Dawn said...

I love this.
I love this mostly because I can picture perfectly you yelling with a toothbrush hanging out of your mouth and then checking your rage face... so you.

carleen marie said...

You know me so well : )

Juli Heintz White said...

I want to send my Swedish Chef Chickens!