Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today I Skipped Skool

Instead I had a melt-down. A "my wedding is 9 days away and I feel the fire to do things NOW" kind of melt down.

I did a lot of bouncing on my bed as I scorched my laptop with my flying fingers and google-prowess.

I listened to popular songs I don't really like but were of the appropriate amount of edge, tempo, and angsty-gangsta-ness that I needed to hone in my marriage madness mojo.

I left my bedtop to do only one thing:


I wielded my cell phone like a saber, calling those I've never dared to call before. And, in a semi-crazed state, filled up at least five sticky notes with categorized lists depending on my means of transportation, various deadlines, and persons with whom I would be speaking. My laptop edge is lined with these beautiful soldiers.

I made sure not to hyperventilate.
However I did give myself possibly my first conscious, self-induced, stress headache.
I would have been proud of that fact had it not been uncomfortable for my upmost appendage.

I ate breakfast around 11, lunch around 4, and finally left the house around 6pm.

Because Becca and Alisa had pledged their allegiance to me and my cause, sucked me for information, formed lists of their own, and demanded I leave the house.

I got as far as subway in Becca's car, bought dinner, and reconvened with Tommy back at my apartment to consume the tasty morsel.

I made a huge delicious mess and did not feel sorry.

Then I went to class.
Not a class I was supposed to go to on a daily or weekly basis,
but a class that my classmates were teaching only once and that I will be teaching on Saturday.
Did I go to investigate their game plan and learn of their secrets? Yes.
Did I eat their homemade chocolate chip cookies? Definitely.
Did I add to their lesson? I contributed my opinion from time to time and asked a question because it was super awkward and silent in maybe?

THEN the best part happened.

Tommy saved me after conquering the world, and took me off on an adventure to discover the perfect mattress.

We finally seized the beast, slew it, and slung it upon our trusty stead, strapping it down with towing cable strong enough to lug a semi and defy the storming heavens.

He took me home, had me close my eyes, and led me into our dim, new apartment which was freshly lit with draped christmas lights and home-making gifts he'd gathered all day to surprise me with : ) It was beautiful : )

We now own a squat little bookshelf, an exercise bouncy ball, a full length mirror, christmas lights, a love seat, coffee table, bed, and a nightstand.

And the best part of all of that is the 'we' part that is almost 100% true : )

8 days from now we get to go inside the temple we drove past on our way back to his place, and I've never felt so good about it. We are exactly where we need to be, and heaven feels like it's brushing my fingertips saying hello.

Today was wonderful : )

Hope yours was too nakies : )

p.s. Happy St. Patrick's Day. Kiss people. They could be Irish ; )

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