Thursday, September 8, 2011

Girl Talk : Girlishness

I've come to notice that many young females bond over hysteria splashed with wit.

It is a language and demeanor constantly filled with and exuding mass amounts of energy.

I think it is the consistency and height of this energy that catches my eyes and mind and perplexes them so much so that I cannot direct my attention elsewhere. It's captivating.

Much like catching a pair of squirrels squabbling high up in a tree, only to find that they're not squabbling, they're just chattering with excitement and then more and more squirrels pop out of nowhere and all of a sudden you have hundreds of jabbering, jumping, perfect-haired creatures, running around hugging each other, squeaking "Oh my gosh!! No way!!" every five seconds!

How do they get this way??

And better yet, how do they maintain it? It's exhausting just to watch!

I think somewhere between shoving my nose in books during first grade reading time and stumbling dazed into summer after my sixth grade year of terror [], I was supposed to learn "Girlishness".

Therefore I would have had an effortless transition into late night girl discussions about boys and bras and deodorant with my best girly friends, and I would have bewitched the minds of men with my rocket-paced jabber, and I at least by now would speak and type in shortened phrases of already slanged words, and I would use more exclamation points and be so witty and fearlessly fluent in Girlishness that I could just walk up to anyone and conjure up a friendship in a conversation!

But I missed all of it!
Now how in this world does one make girl friends when people watching is a favorite past time, small talk feels horrendous, butchering beautiful words is criminal, bras are finally understood but aren't really common topics between acquaintances and the only boys I find myself talking about are my husband and God?

Maybe I should climb a tree and ask a squirrel.

post script: My deodorant of late is lovely so you know. Tommy smell-tested the whole wal-mart isle and picked it out for me. It's Degree orange flower + cranberry. Now you can tell me about yours.

1 comment:

Windy Dawn said...

you make me laugh! i wear secret, i think it's the spring 'flavor' deodorant.