Saturday, January 3, 2009

and the speed bump begins

In a couple days I will be going off to college again, and it is truly wondrous to me how good this past year has been. God is truly amazing. And his hand in my life is undeniable. There are times when I get so excited for what comes after this life, that I wish I could leap to that next place right now, but most of the time, I am too awe struck by this life to ever want to leave it. The past year has yielded so much growth, love, knowledge, understanding, patience, and pure joy that I could not imagine being anywhere else, living any other way. I am so grateful for the opportunity that it is to live. To live in the knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel. To be able to talk to God and let him lead my life. What a blessing it is.

My heart is full : )

Before this year began, I thought 2009 would be the speed bump to get over. The long haul to muddle through because it is the longest stretch that tommy will be gone for. But now that it's here, I can see that that is not what it is. This year is going to be amazing. There may be anxious days when I'll wish to muddle, but really, who has time to muddle through life? There are people to meet, books to read, lives to save, smiles and laughter to experience! People are falling in love this year, babies are being born, music is being created, and lives are changing and growing in beautiful new ways.

The adventure has just begun : )

1 comment:

Jameson said...

I miss you too. Take care of yourself.

And if life gets bumpy I'm totally there for you. You know that.