Monday, August 20, 2012

10 Reasons Why We're Not Having Kids Yet

I read in another blog [that I have now completely forgotten the name of] a post entitled "10 reasons why we decided to have kids". I tell you, I was intrigued. I wish everyone made lists such as this for their grand life decisions and just posted them in public places.

[oh, if they did this in public restrooms I would do a happy dance. What great reading material! If they did it in rest stop stalls I might think about forgiving them for never providing seat liners.]

Anyway, I read it and afterward thought we should make a list why we're not yet "with child". I thought it would be fun, we could take turns, Tommy and I, putting forth reasons as ridiculous as we pleased. 

Turns out Tommy is a wuss.

Here's our list:

1. We got a cat. Tommy says we have lots of parenting practice ahead of us before we have real babies.

2. carly doesn't want to lose her life yet, AHHHHH!

3. "I don't know, I don't feel good about [making a list] anymore" - Tommy

That lasted long.

In truth, 
I think our list is so short because we are genuinely so excited to have kids someday. I think everyone who knows us well, knows we kinda like younglings a lot ;)

And when it happens, you may finally stop having to read posts about our cat haha! 

Until then...

-love from pepper


Mags said...

Oh you are funny Carly. I don't know Tommy that well, but I know you will be an amazing momma someday.

Windy Dawn said...

Seriously??? PLEASE start having children!!!! I don't want to see another post about your cat!!