Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This is Where I Vent About Non-Preschool, Preschool Stuff

For those of you who missed my post I wrote a long time ago, had saved for 1.5 months, and finally just now posted...I'm doing a practicum for school right now in which I am one of 7 teachers at the BYUI preschool. We teach 3 year olds. And they are beyond adorable. Truth is, preschool is one of the most fantastic parts of my week.

Another truth is: the class I take in order to be in preschool sucks.

The work is extensive, exhaustive and exhausting. In a word: ridiculous.


If I ever get a job planning the daily schedule for the President of the United States, I'm going to be well practiced.

And if I make it to the end of the semester without giving in to the urge to shake my teacher and shout "THEY ARE ONLY THREE YEARS OLD! The lesson plan does not need to be 10+ pages of insane intricacies!" I will have improved my previously believed levels of self-control and patience.

Time to get out some energy doing Zumba.

p.s. Tall, blonde and handsome has been curled up slumbering for a couple hours now beside me while I clack away. He is adorable : )

p.p.s. If you tie a colorful cape around my neck even when I'm in the midst of my lesson plan doll-drums, I can't stay angry. Tommy proved this 3 hours ago.