Sunday, May 13, 2012

Two Nerds For a Picnic

Once Upon A Time, 
two nerds fell in love. 

And on a sunny April afternoon, 
though both were feeling under the weather,
they pushed up their spectacles 
and set off in their dreamy, red, subaru,
to Picnic.

They feasted on saltines.

And drank some bubbly to settle their stomachs.

And while they cuddled,
their glasses cuddled too. 

At one point, 
the taller one fed the wild life.

The squirrel's loved him 
as they leapt away with their treasures.

And with a sigh,
they packed up their rainbow blanket,
and what was left of the bubbly,
and walked away from their delicious afternoon escape
to less simpler things
like statics class and being indoors.

But held hands the whole way home.

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